" We cannot help the world until we change our way of being in it."
Bishops of the United Methodist Church

I saw this map yesterday at a conference I attended of United Methodists exploring how to mobilize an earth care movement among Minnesota United Methodists. I'm happy to see that the Methodist church is taking action on climate change.
The map shows a global look at per capita oil usage. In the presentation it was shown with a second map which showed the countries that are most impacted by climate change. It was striking to look at the two maps together because the countries most impacted by climate change were the ones with the least per capita oil usage. As with so many other things in our world - the ones who are causing climate change are not the ones suffering the most from that change. Food for thought...
Unfortunately, I can't find that other map. They were both from the website of Sage: Center for Sustainability & the Global Environment, which as it turns out has links to many, many resources and I just wasn't sure where to look, so sorry for the lack of a completed blog post. Perhaps someone else will help me figure out where to find it and I can look it up.
My weekend was actually full of work on climate change - an all day conference yesterday, and my first meeting with the land and water use group that is part of a transition town movement in our neighborhood. So I've been doing lots, but the blog posts are slow in coming. I'll try to get it all sorted out and share more over the next few days.
Thanks Christy! I'll see if I can get the missing map from John Hill of the General Board of Church and Society.