I've decided to bite off a big chunk for this year's New Year's Resolution - doing my part to save our world by writing a daily blog (with a requisite daily action) on one woman's (me) attempt to reduce our carbon imprint and I NEED YOUR HELP!
1. I'm really not very consistant, but I figure if I tell the world about this resolution, I have kind of commited myself.
2. I could use your support, so encouragement will really spur me on.
3. I will run out of ideas, so send me yours.
4. The more people who read this blog increases the chance that my one person will expand to more - and more is what we need.
So please read from time to time, give me some encouragement, and share your ideas.
Can one person make a difference? :
What spurs me on in this personal quest is a graph I saw that compared the per capita carbon footprint of many countries in the world. The US's carbon use was at the top of the graph reaching out to the edge far far beyond any of the other countries. We are a country of consumers and that is the issue. It isn't just the milage we drive or the heat we use to keep our houses warm - particularly here in Minnesota - it is everything. We consume without even thinking about it and we need to cut back - not just a little bit - a whole lot. I can't find that graph, but here's a similar one that you might find interesting. It doesn't look as bad as the first chart I saw until you realize that to stop the warming, our carbon imprint - and everyone else's - has to be about where India is on the list (scroll down):
And of course, if you are still wondering, the goal is to slow the path we are on that is warming our climate to such a degree that our forests will change, our coastal cities will flood and many species will become extinct. The earth will survive, but people and animals and plants are going to have a hard time of it.
Here is another interesting link. It is an interactive map from the EPA. You can click on different regions of the US to see the projected impact of climate change for each region and there are other links to see what the locals are trying to do to adapt.
Coincidentally, this arrived in my email today. It's a chance for us all to sign a pledge to make
saving the planet your own New Year's Resolution:
Wish me luck!
One person can make a difference. In fact, nothing will change unless one person DOES make a difference. So, I like stuff like this….tiny things like buying food with ALL recyclable packaging--if any. Attempting to have as little garbage as possible. Never throwing food out. Cooking once, eating twice. Staying healthy in as many ways as possible for all the obvious reasons…but if we all did, think of the savings in driving to docs, hospital stays, etc. We ARE what we eat:) Go, Christy!
ReplyDeleteThanks Alyce, we are working on the not throwing food out, but with twin 3 year olds, we throw out way too much. No outside composting here in the winter. I'm thinking of worms...
ReplyDeleteGood luck! Sometimes I find this issue overwhelming. But I want to consume less. Maybe you will inspire me.
ReplyDeleteIt is overwhelming to me too, but if we all work at it, it won't be, I hope.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great resolution Christy!! Bravo. Can't wait to see what you come up with each day.
ReplyDeleteI checked in at Cathy's suggestion. What a great idea to blog every day. I wish you luck and I'll follow your progress.